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Our IDF families!

Our brothers and sisters in Israel continue to live under attack! In the heart of our nation's battles, where our courageous IDF soldiers stand as pillars of strength, there exists a silent heroism that often goes unseen—the IDF families who wait, who pray, and who carry the weight of their loved one's sacrifice. Unfortunately a recent news report released by the ministry of defense containing some heartbreaking facts just goes to show us how much we have to unite and take action to help brethren in Israel!  The following was released via Arutz sheva: 

Ministry of Defense:

Since October 7, 9,250 injured individuals have been admitted to the Rehabilitation Departments.

3,600 of these injured are dealing with psychological responses.

Half of the injured are young people under the age of 30, with the vast majority (70%) being reservists.

These are heartbreaking stats and we have to do something! The situation is dire, and we need your help!

Today, we reach out to you, not just as donors, but as compassionate individuals who understand the deep gratitude we owe to those who serve.

Some of our soldiers remain on the battlefield, while others fight for their lives in hospital beds. We have lost many brave soldiers and mourn every single one. Amidst the chaos of war, our IDF soldiers fight not only for our nation but for our ideals of unity, brotherhood, and humanity. Am Yisroel chai!

But as they defend our liberties, their families endure a different battle—against loneliness, fear, and the agonizing wait for news of their beloved soldier's safety. Some are mourning our tremendous loss, while others are praying for their soldiers' recovery. It is for them, our IDF families, these unsung heroes on the home front, that we ask for your support!

Your Food Card donation can truly impact the life of an IDF family in need. While a Food Card can ensure a warm meal, it also provides a feeling of love and warmth, a reminder that they are appreciated and not alone.

Let us unite as a nation, as a beacon of support for those who give their all for our safety, for Israel, and for our freedom!

I wish to help my brethren in Israel with pre-paid Food Cards for:

Families of IDF soldiers,

Victims of terror,

Orphans and needy families,       

Should you wish to donate online, please click HERE


or send a check by regular mail to:

Global Jewish Assistance (JAR)

1414 Carroll Street Brooklyn. NY 11213


For a Canadian tax exempt donation please click here:


Attached Flyer is a pdf file about our Campaign.

Below is a glimpse of our work with our dear soldiers, their families, and those that need support and happiness during this difficult time in Israel!.

Below is a glimpse into the work we are doing with our brave IDF soldiers/reserves and their families. we value the opportunity to support our IDF soldiers during this difficult time.



As the world marks Holocaust Memorial Day, a generation whose childhood was taken by the Nazis is spending its final years struggling with hunger, and homelessness. We are finally shed a bit of light as the major Tv news MAKO has put out a campaign to eradicate poverty for Holocaust survivors living in Israel, AND HAS CHOSEN THE "Food Card" as the proper way to ensure that they have food and at the same time are treated with dignity and respect!
I ask you to help us make a change, let's give up on that extra cup of coffee, that extra slice of pizza   
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784