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2025 Matanot Levyonim on Purim day
Purim for our IDF heroes & their families
This year, Purim in Israel feels like a paradox! A holiday of joy, laughter, and celebration—arriving at a time when our nation is in so much pain. Because while our IDF soldiers return home grieving their fallen brothers, while our hostages come back with scars—both seen and unseen—while our injured IDF soldiers fight to recover in rehabilitation hospitals, life and it's yearly holidays in Israel must go on! And not just life, but light, Joy, Unity. Because that’s what the enemies of Israel have always tried to take from us, and that’s what we will forever fiercely protect!
But even with all of this embedded in our minds and hearts; currently, for so many Israeli families, joy feels like a distant dream. The weight of war, loss, and economic struggle has left them barely holding on. War has caused far too many IDF families to fall into poverty and Inflation has forced many families to cut back on even basic necessities. Shockingly, one in three Israeli households now lives below the poverty line. And yet, here we are again trying to figure a way to survive and the holidays appear before we know it Purim is here. A time to celebrate, unite, and lift one another up.
And while we cannot heal the thousands of broken hearts our IDF soldiers and their families have endured, we CAN ensure they feel loved and appreciated during this time. At JAR, we refuse to let our soldiers and their families struggle alone! This Purim, we’re aiming to send 1,500 IDF families 1,000-shekel ($280) per Food Card so they, too, can celebrate! So they can feel the love and support of Am Yisrael. So their children can laugh, dance, and experience even a moment of joy, despite the tremendous darkness.
This is our chance to stand with those who have stood for us!
Your Matanot L’Evyonim donation on Purim day: will bring comfort, dignity, and hope to the families of Israel’s heroes.
Because even in our deepest sorrow, we must choose joy. Even in our pain, we must celebrate life, and we do so TOGETHER. That is the Jewish way. That is our strength!
Sending Food Cards ensures our IDF soldiers, reservists, injured soldiers and their families a Purim filled with hope, and unity!
Donate Food Cards today and show Israel's heroes our nation's love, appreciation, reminding them they are never alone!
I wish to help my brethren in Israel with pre-paid Food Cards for the holiday of PURIM Day "Matanot L'evyonim" for:
Victims of terror,
Families of IDF soldiers,
Orphans and needy families,
by clicking HERE and donating online.
or send a check by regular mail to:
Global Jewish Assistance (JAR)
1414 Carroll Street Brooklyn. NY 11213
Chag Purim Sameyach!
!חג פורים שמח
Attached Flyer is a pdf file about our Purim day Campaign.
Highlights of the Food Card Program:
Recipients come from all walks of life, and from throughout Israel, and include; Needy Families, Orphans, Single parent families, Holocaust survivors, the Elderly, Soldiers of the IDF, and Special needs children, etc.
Our administrative budget in Israel is covered by the rebates we receive from the national retailers, so that 100% of your donation goes directly to feed needy families.
There is NO warehouse and logistical fees spent to cover distribution costs.
Wed, February 19 2025
21 Shevat 5785
Donate to your Choice Charity from the following programs!
*Make a Donation for Purim Matanot L'Evyonim in ISRAEL
*Make a Donation for Food Card Program in Israel
- *Make a Donation for Holocaust Survivors in Israel
- *Support our programs in the Former Soviet Union
- *Cong. Merkaz Sepharad
- *Support Jewish outreach in Central Africa
- *Support Jewish outreach in Angola
- *Support Jewish outreach in Nigeria
- *Support Jewish outreach in Ghana
- *Support Jewish outreach in Uganda
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A Thought for the Week
Shabbat Shalom
This new website was made possible with a special grant from the Braut family
in loving memory of Leibel ben Peretz Halevi a.k.a. Gary Victor Braut ob"m
May 9, 1947 - January 12, 2013
@2019 Global Jewish Assistance and Relief Network | info@gjarn.org |
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