Current Projects
- 2025 Matanot Levyonim on Purim day
- Support our brethren in Israel!
- Israel is at war and we desperately need your help!
- Come Help Us Make A Difference in ISRAEL!
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Return Of Jewish Communal Properties/Building Jewish Infrastructure (FSU)
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- Largest Network Of Free Soup Kitchens (FSU)
- American Jewish Medical Center (Ukraine)
- Free Pharmacy Clinics (FSU)
- The Democracy Rule Of Law Project (Ukraine)
- Introducing New Legislation (Ukraine)
- Creation of Israel's First National Food Bank
- The Prescription For Life Program (Israel)
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- A Warm Winter Program (Israel)
- Support For The IDF During The 2nd Lebanon War
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- Youth at Risk (Israel)
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- The Chaim Eliezer Tefillin Project (Israel)
- Israeli Government Lauds THE FOOD CARD
- Poverty in the Land of Milk and Honey
- More than 90% of food assistance recipients in Israel would prefer the FOOD CARD
- What do all these organizations have in common?
- Only 7% of Israelis want to receive food from a food distribution center and Only 1% are happy to go to soup kitchen!
- The baby's vision is hopefully restored, the parents now need our help
- Understanding the Controversy Over Minister Kachlon's Recent Comments
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Support our brethren in Israel!
Attached is a video of our visit to Mount Hermon on the northern border with Syria, to bring joy to our soldiers.
Our IDF Soldiers
Far too many of our mornings are spent repenting over heartbreaking news of heroic IDF soldiers we have lost in fighting terror! Every one of them is a painful and irreplaceable loss, felt deeply by all of us as a nation!
It is during this critical time that our brave IDF soldiers and their families carry an unimaginable weight as they dedicate their lives to protect the safety and security of Israel!
As they fight for our beloved country the least we can do is ensure their families are cared for! That is why it is critical to donate Food Cards to ensure that these families have food on the table as their loved ones stand on the front lines, or as they fight for their lives in rehabilitation hospitals.
When you donate Food Cards you are actually stepping forward to provide for our soldiers and their families and it is more than Tzedakah; but also a powerful demonstration of your appreciation and unity!
By donating Food Cards, we do more than just meet a physical need for sustenance; we send a clear message that they are not alone, that the entire nation of Israel stands behind them, reminding them that their sacrifices are not taken for granted, and giving them the courage to keep fighting for our brethrens safety!
Donate Food Cards today and take a stand in supporting our IDF soldiers and their families by ensuring they are sustained and cared for as they fight our fight!
In the merit of your generosity, may our hostages come home now! May our soldiers come home safely and successfully! May all of Am Yisrael only know peace and blessings from here on!
I wish to help my brethren in Israel with pre-paid Food Cards for:
IDF soldiers,
Active IDF reserves,
IDF families
Injured IDF soldiers
Should you wish to donate online, please click HERE
or send a check by regular mail to:
Global Jewish Assistance (JAR)
1414 Carroll Street Brooklyn. NY 11213
*Attached clips (out of the many we have received) of some very grateful recipients of our most recent IDF Food Card distribution. |
Attached is a video with some highlights of my recent time with our IDF soldiers here in Israel!
Each month throughout the year, the Jewish Assistance & Relief Network (JAR) provides close to 2,000 Food Cards for needy families in Israel with a minimum value of $135 to as much as $1,100, and during the holidays, the numbers go up to 15,000 families with assistance of at least $135 to help with the added holiday expenses.
Highlights of the Food Card Program:
Our Administrative budget in Israel is covered by the rebates we receive from the national retailers so that 100% of your donation goes directly to feed needy families. There are NO warehouse and logistical fees spent to cover distribution costs.
Food Cards are pre programmed so that families can only purchase basic food and household products, and exclude any purchase of cigarettes, alcohol, clothing, cosmetics, ETC.
Cards are issued throughout the year, as well as during a war or at Holidays.
In the merit of your generous donation may your loved ones and all of Am Yisroel only know blessings from here on!
With best wishes,
Thank you! !תודה רבה
Wed, February 19 2025
21 Shevat 5785
Donate to your Choice Charity from the following programs!
*Please donate Food Cards to IDF soldiers and their families in ISRAEL!
*Make Donation to Orphans and needy families in ISRAEL
Please remit VENMO payment using the last 4 digits of this phone number: 3692
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A Thought for the Week
Shabbat Shalom
This new website was made possible with a special grant from the Braut family
in loving memory of Leibel ben Peretz Halevi a.k.a. Gary Victor Braut ob"m
May 9, 1947 - January 12, 2013
@2019 Global Jewish Assistance and Relief Network | info@gjarn.org |
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