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More than 90% of food assistance recipients in Israel would prefer the FOOD CARD


We are already providing the alternative solution people are asking for, but we need your help to get the message out. Despite the fact we help over 5,000 families monthly and close to 10,000 families for the High Holidays and Passover, not enough people know of our work and how important it is today!

The survey and article below justify our work, but we need your help to increase our outreach and reach a larger audience!

Translations from YEDID survey -

The needy do not want to stand in line for the distribution of food packages. Results of a Yedid association survey: 92% of those receiving assistance prefer receiving it through a debit card or vouchers rather than standing in line where they are publicly exposed

92% of those in need of assistance from food aid organizations would prefer to replace receiving the food package with a debit card or coupons that will allow them to purchase the food of their choice or, alternatively,to receive  the food and gifts to their home without having to wait in line where they are exposed and their dignity injured - according to a YEDID Association survey conducted just a few days before Passover.

The survey was done through personal interviews with 680 respondents in the country conducted by members of the groups "Power to influence people to change", "founded by the association" YEDID ". YEDID states that the results indicate that there is a need to change the method by which the central solution to the food security problem is the distribution of food, as is being conducted today.

"There are seniors who can not cook or shop and need to have prepared meals brought to them them, and mothers with small children or families living from welfare to require packages with food that suits them and enables them to consume the proper food groups," said one of the volunteers who participated in interviews.

MK Ruhama Avraham, who is currently promoting the National Security Law Nutrition Council in the Knesset, says that "despite the solidarity to mobilize thousands of volunteers for hungry families, the data sharpens the urgent need for the creation of a committee to provide recommendations to the government and Welfare office with a proper policy that combines a number of solutions to the problem of nutritional security."

Translation of Newspaper article -
They are embarrassed to stand in line and are doing everything within their power to protect their dignity. A survey conducted by YEDID shows that the majority of needy recipients would prefer to receive a magnetic pre-paid debit card or food vouchers in place of standing in line to receive food while being exposed to the public.
By Yovel Goren
A survey conducted by the charity organization YEDID shows that the majority of needy families who rely on assistance from food charity organizations would prefer switching from the current trend in which food boxes are sent to their home or they are asked to come and collect food from a local distribution center to an alternative method of receiving magnetic pre-paid food cards or food vouchers in order to avoid the shame and loss of dignity associated with the current methods of food distribution.
It is already a while that volunteers associated with food distributions by a myriad of charitable organizations providing assistance across the land face complaints by recipients regarding the current methods of food distributions provided by their associations. Results from a recent survey conducted through personal interviews with almost 700 families receiving assistance show that more than 90% would prefer an alternative method of receiving pre-paid magnetic food cards or food vouchers rather than being forced to wait in line or to be noticed by the public as they receive their food assistance.
Sari Rivkin, Director or YEDID says this proves the necessity to change the methods currently used by charitable organizations in providing food assistance to needy families.
Member of Knesset, Ruchama Avrohom (Kadima) who is currently chairing a committee reviewing food assistance to needy families and to find solutions to the Food Insecurity issues in Israel says this necessitates a need for organizations to recommend to the Government and Welfare offices alternative solutions to the Food Insecurity problems.


Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785