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Behar - Bechukotai

Behar - Bechukotai

Someone stopped me on the street the other day ans asked me to explain the difference between - 

Everything G-d does is for the good (kol mahn d'avid Hakadosh Baruch Hu letav avid)


This too shall be for the good (gam zu letova)

My answer was that "Everything G-d does..." is a higher level of belief ...

"Gam zu" means it is not good but it will be good - "Everything G-d Does" means its good to begin with

In this weeks Parsha, we read of Hashems commnandment to fulfill the laws Shemita, as Shemita is known to be a law of faith as expounded in Ethics of our Fathers. 

Then we read the verse which states And it will come to pass that you will ask, "How will we eat in the eight year, so I will command th fields..."

Our sages ask, Will then G-d's blessings only come once they ask? Wouldn't it be better to trust and not ask?

Some commentaries wish to say that G-d actually wants us to ask and demand.

Others say, For those who don't ask nor question, the blessings of G-d are automatic and there will be plenty of food in the 6th year to eat while the fields are still being worked, food in the seventh year while the land is barren, and food in the eighth even before the fields bear fruit from the current plantings. People will not have to hoard food in the sixth year to last them for the 7th and 8th. There will be plenty of food.

However, for those who ask and question, G-d will have to make a new blessing and command the fields to bear fruit and food for the people to eat bacause the folllowed His laws and kep the Shemita.

The same can be said regarding the giving of charity.

One is commanded to give assistance to all those who request. However, one who seeks out the poor and needy and offers a helping hand even without being asked shows a higher level of greatness.

May G-d bless each one of us to be always be in the giving end and never to be needy.


Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785