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The baby's vision is hopefully restored, the parents now need our help

The baby's vision is hopefully restored....


His family still needs our help...

I was contacted a few days ago to help obtain medicines for a five month infant from overseas who just underwent a corneal transplant here in the United States.

As the young parents had to leave their jobs, deplete their savings and even borrow money to help pay for the unexpected medical costs, as their local insurance would not cover an overseas eye and life saving operation, the parents could barely afford the $400-$500 weekly expense of the prescribed medications.

Within two days, we obtained donated medications to cover them for the next few weeks with commitments for more if needed.

But that was the easy part, and it just didn't feel right. So I went to visit them and bring them the medications, and somehow ended up spending close to four hours together, playing with their just under two year old daughter and holding their five month precious little boy.

During our discussions, I discovered the parents had to leave their jobs without pay, borrowed close to $15,000 to help cover the medical bills, and that they needed close to $5,000 a month to cover their bills back at home and temporary housing, food, transport, and other day to day expenses, with absolutely no income until they get back home.

I know it's not my job, nor the core mission of the organization, but I had to do something. So i did what I do best and began making calls. Within minutes I arranged for volunteers to help with the kids, to translate at the next few doctor appointments, and even got the invitations for the upcoming passover Seder and othe holiday meals.

But I need you and your support for the hardest part of the mission, and that is to help defray the medical costs and day to day liivng expenses until they can return home and go back to their former jobs and once again earn their livelihood.

Please go to our secure donation page at /civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=14


Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785